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Friday, April 15, 2011

Wedding flowers for spring

Wedding flowers for spring
Like everything that awakens in spring, nice weather brings a sea of ​​flowers with different colors. So just let your imagination and add vivid color to your wedding.
Tulips, with many colors available,
 ranging from white, pink, yellow, red and purple, even among the hot choice for spring. And Narciso, popular in January and early May, will add charm to your wedding  with bright yellow.

Other popular lists are lilac, violet or white
Blue, purple, pink or white
Peonies, roses
Narcissus, white

Flowers for summer wedding
Summer season is also filled with colorful 
 flowers such as gladioli, aquilegia aquiline may be the ideal decoration from late spring to summer. Bouquets of roses are also common in summer wedding, and if you want to have roses as the leadership role for your ceremony, used in mixed bouquets roses can be very excellent choice.

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