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Friday, April 1, 2011

Buffet lunch

Buffet lunch If you want to satisfy all guests, who could prepare food free desktop. For example, you could prepare a sandwich buffet table so that guests choose to like Swiss cheese, Mosa Lira or cheddar cheese.
hot dinks For winter wedding, you should prepare some hot drinks, or slightly higher degree of alcohol, which is also a polite to the guests. Wines such as mulled wine, gin or pear juice apple juice are decent option. After the party, serve some order to improve the warmth.

Pure white wonderland in winter Some brides have a dream target of their hearts, in this case, the ceremony can be decorated with candy snow orinntal hyacinth, white candles. Furthermore, to add a little ice carving and face the mirror to create a shiny glass effect. At the same time, use a bit of snow as a barrier to light will bring an unexpected effect. 

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